Our Journey of Answered Prayer....

In the fall of 1997, Micah and Halisha were both enrolled as freshmen at Trevecca Nazarene University in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. Their paths crossed for the first time at a fall revival service. After much prodding from mutual friends, these two eventually became friends and began dating.

The relationship took a serious turn after the two graduated in May of 2001. Micah earned a degree in Religion and began pastoral ministry south of Nashville, while Halisha started her teaching career in an inner city school in Metropolitan Nashville. Micah proposed just before Christmas of that year and the wedding planning began! Prayers for a Godly spouse had been answered.

A beautiful wedding ceremony took place the following summer in Alabama and these two lives became one. Halisha now joined Micah in his ministry. God used them in much business for the Kingdom throughout the years and took them to several ministry assignments. And now, almost eleven years into marriage and God has blessed them with much happiness.

Not long after marriage, discussions about children began to pop up often. And again, plans were made. But all of those plans did not necessarily go as easily as originally desired; however, God was faithful when doctors discussed the impossibility of having children with them. After medical treatments failed and much money had been invested, the Lord began to lead Micah and Halisha to explore the possibility of adoption.

Many friends had been through this process and were very supportive and encouraging. Meetings were attended and questions asked. After MUCH prayer, it was confirmed that this was indeed how God wanted to "grow" their family and fulfill the deep desire within to be parents. Micah and Halisha have claimed 1 Samuel 1:27 as a promise that God has heard their prayers for a child and He will answer them!

Many, many pieces of paperwork have been completed. The official home study will begin very soon. The Lord has everything planned just perfectly! He knows the sacrifice that will be made by the birthparents and the immeasurable joy that the adoptive parents will experience. Soon a new little family will be formed. Years of prayers for a child will be answered when this precious little one arrives.

Only one last barrier remains...the financial aspect. Adoptions are very expensive. Micah and Halisha plan to participate in a domestic adoption, which means the baby, will be born in this country. Will you help us bring this little one home?

Please see the side panel for more information on what you can do to help!

Puzzle Fundraiser


500 pieces…Will you buy one to help us bring baby home???

$25 per piece